Google Ads Coaching for Cleaning Businesses

Master Google Ads and Drive Traffic to Your Cleaning Business

Why Google Ads?

The Power of Search Engine Marketing

Google Ads allow you to place your cleaning business in front of people actively searching for cleaning services. With billions of searches per day, Google is the go-to platform for finding services, making it a vital part of any marketing strategy.

Highly Targeted Campaigns

Google Ads offer advanced targeting options, including keywords, location, and demographics, ensuring your ads reach your ideal customers.

Cost-Effective Solutions

Pay only when someone clicks on your ad, making Google Ads a cost-effective marketing solution with measurable ROI.

Data-Driven Insights

Google Ads provide comprehensive analytics, allowing you to make informed decisions to optimize your campaigns.

About This Coaching Program

What You Will Learn

✅Targeting the Right Audience

✅Creating Engaging Ads

✅Budgeting and Bidding

✅Tracking and Analytics

What's Included

✅Weekly Coaching Sessions

✅Access to Exclusive Resources

✅Hands-on Practice

✅Peer Support Groups

✅Dedicated Facebook Group

✅Powered by Green Owl Systems

Follow-Up System for Google Ads Leads: Convert Clicks into Customers

Don't Just Generate Leads, Close Them

Generating leads through Google Ads is just the first step. Our coaching program goes a step further by teaching you effective follow-up strategies to convert those leads into paying customers.

What's Included in the Follow-Up System?

•Automated Email Sequences: Learn how to set up automated emails that nurture leads and prompt them to take action.

•Retargeting Campaigns: Discover the power of retargeting to re-engage potential customers who have interacted with your ads but haven't converted.

•CRM Integration: Get hands-on training on integrating Google Ads with your CRM to streamline the follow-up process.

•Closing Techniques: Master the art of closing a sale through effective communication and tailored offers.

Get Started Today

Ready to elevate your cleaning business? Click here to begin your journey towards doubling your commercial client base, risk-free. Let's grow together!

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